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The prolonged mei-yu/baiu system with anomalous precipitation in the year 2020 has swollen many rivers and lakes,caused flash flooding,urban flooding and landslides,and consistently wreaked havoc across large swathes of China,particularly in the Yangtze River basin.Significant precipitation and flooding anomalies have already been seen in magnitude and extension so far this year,which have been exerting much higher pressure on emergency responses in flood control and mitigation than in other years,even though a rainy season with multiple ongoing serious flood events in different provinces is not that uncommon in China.Instead of delving into the causes of the uniqueness of this year’s extreme precipitation-flooding situation,which certainly warrants in-depth exploration,in this article we provide a short view toward a more general hydrometeorological solution to this annual nationwide problem.A“glocal”(global to local)hydrometeorological solution for floods(GHS-F)is considered to be critical for better preparedness,mitigation,and management of different types of significant precipitation-caused flooding,which happen extensively almost every year in many countries such as China,India and the United States.Such a GHS-F model is necessary from both scientific and operational perspectives,with the strength in providing spatially consistent flood definitions and spatially distributed flood risk classification considering the heterogeneity in vulnerability and resilience across the entire domain.Priorities in the development of such a GHS-F are suggested,emphasizing the user’s requirements and needs according to practical experiences with various flood response agencies.  相似文献   
极端高温事件是我国南方夏季频发的天气灾害,区域性明显,持续性高温事件的环流背景及其影响机理值得深入研究。基于台站观测资料和欧洲中期天气预报中心的再分析资料,对1961—2010年广西东南部贵港地区发生的高温事件的时间变化规律及持续性高温天气过程对应的大气环流场演变进行了统计诊断分析。(1)广西东南部贵港地区的高温日主要出现在6—9月,其中7—8月是高温日频发的月份;3天以上的持续高温日数占总高温日数的6成;8—9月的高温日数具有明显的增加趋势。(2)桂东南在6—9月的持续性高温天气与一些特定的天气系统的存在有紧密联系。持续的下沉运动是造成广西东南部升温的主要原因,而导致垂直下沉运动的主要原因又与大陆高压、副热带高压或南海-菲律宾海出现的热带低压系统的北移路径偏东有关,持续时间较长的高温过程还与热带气旋的活动时间较长和强度偏强有关。(3)高压控制的晴空少云天气可导致地表接收更多的太阳辐射,使得地表温度的升高,从而导致地表向上的长波辐射及感热通量增强,加热近地面空气,这些有利于近地面升温的热力过程以及垂直下沉绝热加热过程的增强,使得高温天气过程得以维持。   相似文献   
This study investigates the interdecadal variability of Quasi-biennial Oscillation (QBO) based on the sounding data in the stratosphere, ERA-40 and ERA-interim reanalysis data in the past 62 years. The QBO periodicity experiences a significant interdecadal variability; the longer (shorter) the mean period, the smaller (larger) the amplitude of variation is. The QBO amplitude varies in a cycle around 10 to 15 years and in an out-of-phase correlation with the period. In addition, there is an increasing trend of the QBO amplitude in 30 to 10 hPa, while a little declining trend in 70 to 40 hPa. The deviation of the QBO zonal wind extremum centers from the equator also shows interdecadal variability. The deviation location of the easterly core is generally in the reverse side to the westerly core, which means that when the easterly core is on one side of a hemisphere, the westerly core is on the other side.  相似文献   
地面强风可直接造成人员伤亡和经济损失,严重影响出行安全、工农业生产等社会秩序。强风的发生与天气系统和复杂下垫面的共同作用密切相关,在城市区域尤为明显。受数值模拟技术和计算资源的限制,对实际天气条件下大范围城区的强风现象进行建筑物分辨率的大规模数值模拟研究仍是一个挑战。本研究利用中尺度气象模式嵌套流体计算动力模式的超高分辨率局地气象预报系统,对强冷空气过程造成广州市区的一次强风事件进行数值模拟,深入探讨强风的精细结构和形成机制。结果表明,伴随着强冷空气入侵,广州市区的平均风速和风场高频扰动均明显增强,且在城市冠层顶尤为明显,呈现区域不均匀的三维结构,数值模拟与地面观测相一致。较大范围的强风速和阵风主要出现在建筑物较为低矮的老城区上空,并持续影响下游河道等开阔区域。在高层建筑密集的新城区,虽然整体风速明显减弱,但能在平行风向的街道狭管和下游区域形成局地强风。特别是,超高层建筑群引起显著的垂直环流,导致强风扰动向下传播,造成最大风速达8 m s?1的地面局地强风,阵风指数接近2。上游建筑群引起的风场扰动呈现大尺度湍流结构,能沿着平均气流传播影响数公里之远的下游地区。当风场扰动经过广州塔等单体超高层建筑时,可在其两侧绕流区再次加强,形成局地强风。局地强风和阵风还出现在垂直于风向排列的沿江高层建筑群的侧边,与建筑屏风的阻挡效应和缺口溢出有关。研究结果促进认识城市强风的时空特征和物理机制,有助于提升城市气象的精细化预报水平。  相似文献   
Using the technique of smooth filtering and cylindrical filtering, the initial vortex circulation and large-scale environmental field were separated from the background field. Then the separated initial vortex circulation was translated and reinserted in the location where it was observed. This led to the determination of a method of initial vortex relocation. For seven tropical cyclones at 23 points of measurement time in the years of 2006 and 2007, two schemes, either directly adding a tropical cyclone bogus model in the background or adding it after the relocation of the initial vortex in the background field, were employed. Simulation experiments were compared. The results showed that the mean errors of the simulated tropical cyclone tracks at 24 and 48 hours were both smaller with the scheme of adding tropical cyclone bogus model after the relocation of the initial vortex in the background field. The relocation method of the initial vortex decreases the error caused by the deviation of the initial tropical cyclone location in tropical cyclone models. The relocation method is conducive to improving the track forecast of tropical cyclone models and has a good perspective for operational application.  相似文献   
中国亚热带地区柑桔气候风险评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综合考虑柑桔气候适宜性水平及其变率变化,构建柑桔的风险度模型,运用滑动建模技术对中国亚热带地区柑桔的气候风险性进行动态分析与评估。根据风险分布强度将中国亚热带地区柑桔温度、降水、日照和气候风险大致分为三类型:低风险型、中风险型和高风险型。温度风险度大致呈纬度地带性分布,除西部高山区外,由低纬向高纬风险度依次增高;降水风险度呈现亚热带中部低,北部和西部高;与降水风险度相反,日照风险度在亚热带中部高,北部和西部低;气候风险度受温度变化的主导,也大致呈现纬度地带性,呈现高纬和西部高海拔区高,低纬和东部沿海区低。柑桔气候风险在时间和空间变化上都存在着差异,近46年来,中国亚热带地区柑桔气候风险度有逐渐增加的趋势,尤其以20世纪80年代初以来增加的最快;由于全球气候变暖的影响,亚热带东部和南部风险较低的区域分布有逐渐减少的趋势,而北部和西部风险高的区域分布有进一步增大并向东部和南部扩展的可能。从中国亚热带地区柑桔减产率大于10%、20%、30%的气候风险度分布区域变动过程来看,柑桔各减产率的气候风险度分布具有很明显的区域性和连续性,大体上由东南向西北呈增高趋势。  相似文献   
浅海和俯冲海沟等海域,不仅是矿产和油气资源主潜力区,也是构造地震频发区,其浅表热流和深部温度信息对于了解板块俯冲和岩浆活动等过程至关重要.这些区域浅层地温场和热流场受到底水温度波动(BTV)强烈扰动,其背景热流需由长期观测来获取.在全面分析了国内外海底热流长期观测技术特点后,我们提出了系缆式海底热流长期观测方案,201...  相似文献   
The results from a hybrid approach that combines a mesoscale meteorological model with a diagnostic model to produce high-resolution wind fields in complex coastal topography are evaluated.The diagnostic wind model(California Meteorological Model,CALMET) with 100-m horizontal spacing was driven with outputs from the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model to obtain near-surface winds for the 1-year period from 12 September 2003 to 11 September 2004.Results were compared with wind observations at four sites.Traditional statistical scores,including correlation coefficients,standard deviations(SDs) and mean absolute errors(MAEs),indicate that the wind estimates from the WRF/CALMET modeling system are produced reasonably well.The correlation coefficients are relatively large,ranging from 0.5 to 0.7 for the zonal wind component and from 0.75 to 0.85 for the meridional wind component.MAEs for wind speed range from 1.5 to 2.0 m s-1 at 10 meters above ground level(AGL) and from 2.0 to 2.5 m s-1 at 60 m AGL.MAEs for wind direction range from 30 to 40 degrees at both levels.A spectral decomposition of the time series of wind speed shows positive impacts of CALMET in improving the mesoscale winds.Moreover,combining the CALMET model with WRF significantly improves the spatial variability of the simulated wind fields.It can be concluded that the WRF/CALMET modeling system is capable of providing a detailed near-surface wind field,but the physics in the diagnostic CALMET model needs to be further improved.  相似文献   
根据1979—2010年珠江三角洲24个气象站的气温观测数据以及NCEP/NCAR R1地表气温再分析月资料,运用OMR(observation minus reanalysis)方法分析了珠三角地区平均气温、平均最高气温、平均最低气温的年、季变化趋势。研究结果表明,过去32年珠三角大部分地区呈增温趋势,年平均气温、年平均最高气温、年平均最低气温的OMR趋势分别为0.22/10a、0.19℃/10a、0.23℃/10a,对珠三角地区观测气温增暖的贡献率分别为55.7%、41.7%、57.2%;四季OMR增温趋势冬季最大,夏秋季较小。城市化对区域平均最低气温的影响比对平均最高气温的影响更大。  相似文献   
Based on the observed 2-year temperature data for four kinds of typical urban underlying surfaces, including asphalt, cement, bare land and grass land, the annual variations and influencing factors of land surface temperature are analyzed. Then fitting equations for surface temperature are established. It is shown that the annual variation of daily average, maximum and minimum temperature and daily temperature range on the four urban underlying surfaces is consistent with the change in air temperature. The difference of temperature on different underlying surfaces in the summer half year (May to October) is much more evident than that in the winter half year (December to the following April). The daily average and maximum temperatures of asphalt, cement, bare land and grass land are higher than air temperature due to the atmospheric heating in the daytime, with that of asphalt being the highest, followed in turn by cement, bare land and grass land. Moreover, the daily average, maximum and minimum temperature on the four urban underlying surfaces are strongly impacted by total cloud amount, daily average relative humidity and sunshine hours. The land surface can be cooled (warmed) by increased total cloud amount (relative humidity). The changes in temperature on bare land and grass land are influenced by both the total cloud amount and the daily average relative humidity. The temperature parameters of the four land surfaces are significantly correlated with daily average, maximum and minimum temperature, sunshine hours, daily average relative humidity and total cloud amount, respectively. The analysis also indicates that the range of fitting parameter of a linear regression equation between the surface temperature of the four kinds of typical land surface and the air temperature is from 0.809 to 0.971, passing the F-test with a confidence level of 0.99.  相似文献   
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